SBS Show #6 Taped

SBS Show

.. and wow did we have a lot of fun. Peter Galagher and Mark Stanfill from Inside SBS joined us and braindumped their support know-how. Thats the best way I can describe it. It is by far the most fun we've ever had recording this show and we got to act out things only done to the closest confidants… "The crazy SBS guru", "Sucidal SBS admin", "Helpless smallbiz owner" and Chris joined in with his impersonation of Arnold Schwarzenegger. If there was ever a show we were going to get sued for, this is the one. I did say "damn" and we recorded for 1:45 so there is at least 30 minutes of editing involved that I hope Chris can help with a little bit. I'll try to get this out by EOD Monday but I sincerely doubt it will be ready until Tuesday. This is on par with SBS Show #3 in the amount of great advice for SBS newbies and seasoned gurus wanting to learn more about how things work. I know that one famous guru will want to listen to this webcast as they talk about the perfmon preset counters that can be downloaded from Microsoft's web site that look at SBS specific issues. P.S. Dig the new logo?

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