Messenger Plus! This Weekend


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I’m a big fan of Microsoft Messenger – sure, it has some bits and pieces missing (like ability to sign in from multiple computers) but its the only thing that has made me leave Trilian and dump all the other networks. I downgraded back to beta because the production release of Messenger Live! blows (or leaks) to the tune of allocating 160 MB ram and 40% CPU if given the chance. Um, no thanks.

Anyhow, if you have already upgraded you’ll be happy to know that the Messenger Plus Live 4.0 extension is going to be out this weekend. This is a must-have extension without which I could not live. Until the latest betas you could not rename contacts, you had to live with the way they chose to “display” their name. So if your friend was showing his state pride and changed his display name to “Choking the Chicken at 16th Annual Gordo’s Mule Day & Chickenfest” you’d have to live with it.

P.S. Yes, it’s real. This year they even had a 5K run. I am NOT joking here, if you’ve never been in the South, these kinds of things actually do happen. We often get looked down on because off things like Daytona and Gator meals but man does it get worse. A lot worse. I am not sure how the chain reaction happens but essentially you take a large density of rednecks, add Budweiser and they’ll blow up a f’n bridge. And you thought that the “BP Gasoline & Crazy Ed’s Fireworks” was the worst idea possible…

Update: Someone called BS on this one so here you go. Official Muleday / ChickenFest web page, with a live webcam and children tractor race to boot. I'm a creative guy but even I could not come up with something this good.

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