More Microsoft Mesh: Apple takes a bite


Got this email yesterday, and I feel it’s pretty telling of the Mesh that Microsoft is finding itself in (not printed in its entirety):

“We are Gold Certified with Microsoft with specializations in OEM, IW and Mobility. Our goal for 2008 was to shed the certification and convert the majority of revenues in consumer and SMB space from Windows to Mac OS X.

Microsoft is clearly no longer interested in being a desktop company. We have found the Apple solutions more profitable with its users both buying more peripherals and opting for the more expensive models.”

This is one of the largest independent OEMs around, I even bought my first computer with my own paycheck from this company. Over the years as both our companies grew I got to know the CEO and as far as Microsoft fanboys go, this dude makes Steve Clayton look like a Linux hippie convinced that Microsoft is the devil. For him to initiate a platform switch… man.

Microsoft has a problem, the evil problem. They seem to be looking to pick a fight with everyone while the bread and butter of its partners is allowed to fall apart under the now pirate treasure that the sunk Vista ship has become. People are starting to figure out that there is a company out there dedicated to their experience on the desktop and they are enjoying it enough (oh, just f’n shoot me for what I’m about to say) that even thought it is not designed for business they demand and push it be included. Apple is bridging the desktop PC, office PC divide.

Microsoft has turned its back on its partners, which bring in most of its revenues. Now the partners are starting to turn their back on Microsoft. Makes one wonder, if its worth sacrificing the existing multibillion dollar platform for the fight with Google over search advertising, just how big is the ad market? Or is it just the case of Microsoft lacking any direction and focus?

Poor Steve…. I imagine if any of the bigger clients ever sat him down and reenacted the Office Space scene: “What would you say you DO here?”

(P.S. Reason why is really written well in Brian Williams blog post that I can’t seem to find. If anyone reading this has the Vista branding problem post he wrote please post it in the comments).

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