The End

IT Business
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…. of traditional computing as we know it:

In case you are curious about why this is such a game changer consider a note from one of my younger developers (age 23) that sent me this note from PDC:

“Its crazy there are a lot of people my age or younger here… There are even a few instances of ______ here lol”

These aren’t unemployed hobbyists trolling for a clue, these folks all had their employees part with at least $5K a pop to send their developers out to Los Angeles for a week.

People that write the software you use (or are in business of reselling and supporting) are betting that the above is the future. Trying to determine where that puts your business is the question you probably want to start figuring out an answer to right now, or perhaps when Karl Palachuk and I first told you this was where the industry was heading nearly two years ago.