Exchange Webcast Reminder

Microsoft, Vladville
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Just a reminder that the Exchange 2007 webcasts are on for today:

One at noon, one at 7PM – both times are eastern. I’ve been traveling the country showing people the cool new stuff in Exchange 2007 so if you’re not fortunate to be near one of our data centers where I can swing by for a presentation this would be a good opportunity to check it out.

I had an argument going with Susan a little while back about whether Exchange 2007 was “bleeding edge and I’m waiting for Cougar, Centro” – absolutely false. Not only is it ready and stable but it puts Exchange 2003 to shame in a heartbeat from any angle you look at it –information worker, itpro, business owner. As for the fictional products of the future – we’ve been deploying Exchange 2007 and people that see the new stuff are switching now and not looking back. When someone shows you the benefits you really get the same feeling you get when looking at 5.5 vs 2003 – so come over and hear about it today.