I fought the law and the law won.. Goodbye gaypile

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Who would have thought that humping a gorilla would be the red button?

Let’s review the illustrious career of the Vladville blog offending the audiences worldwide:

  • The SBS Show thong..
  • Creating a gaypile category dedicated to the partner community struggling with common sense..
  • Ending 20+ podcast shows with Andrew Dice Clay..
  • Ending 2+ podcast shows with a lewd remark..
  • Tampering with private property at the airport..
  • Dozen's of posts reflecting how Microsoft QC is pounding our business into the ground – Microsoft never even sent me a single Cease & Desist letter!
  • Hijacking the index page of our corporate site to congratulate a college football team for winning a national championship.

And those were ALL fine! But the straw that broke the camels back was apparently a guy humping a stuffed gorilla. Not like I was in the running for Ms. Congeniality award with this blog but come on, THAT couldn’t have been the most offensive post I’ve made!

So today, at the advice of my counsel, I'm moving my personal posts over to my personal site www.vlad.net. What was brought up, and what I agree to an extent, is that Vladville draws a much bigger audience than just my IT friends and people that don't get the inside jokes or that have never met me might be severely offended by what they read / hear / view here and since I as the CEO represent OWN there was a feeling that there is not a thick enough border between Vlad ™ and Own Web Now Corp. I disagree with that one but lawyers are there for a reason – to keep you out the court room so I'll take the advice  and move over. In a way this is a bit of a triumph, that I've been able to go out and meet so many people and consider them friends enough to let them in on all that goes on here. Not that it will change, I'll just put more questionable posts over on vlad.net from now on.

This won't be followed by 500 one-line posts nagging you to sign up for junk so you can watch me talk to myself; It's merely note on whats going on and why as I've always been completely honest about what I do. So if you're my friend, hop on to vlad.net. If you aren't, this place will suddenly look a lot more professional LOL, you likely made a typo.