Friends on Rough Days

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Today was a rough day. Even though the trouble lasted only about 40 minutes and affected just a handful of people its yet another smack in the face of the perfection that we strive for. Bah. I was out having lunch with Jen and bailed out early (thanks for picking up the check, you rock!) to realize I am not Google yet. Anyhow, I had this in the corner of my third screen all day long, it kept on looking at me while I was taking calls during the storm, updating the blog, checking on status reports, on the solution, looking what caused it, troubleshooted it with partners and so on. This was an IM I got at about 5 AM:

Morning V, before I got swamped again with work today I wanted to let you know that your last four posts rock – in particular the one about being mean and beloved and the one about Karl. I don’t care if you think you can’t write, you can, and you do it well. The best thing is that you write like you speak and so even though you are far away, I always have a little piece of Vlad on my desktop. 🙂

It’s good to have friends on days like today.. Now, off to Montana to breed sheep.