So how was your weekend?

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Last night / this morning I saw a shade of red on my eyes that was unbecoming of even a white rat at Pets Mart. It was ugly. Being a Floridian and having gills to live in such a humid place… I \was not prepared for spending a few days on a floor of a data center that had 0 humidity. There also ought to be an X-Games category for unracking and racking heavy equipment. Rackin’ ain’t ez..

Everything is back to normal, we did everything that was on the agenda and aside from several hundred things that happened in a way that we didn’t expect them to, it was all good. Mind you, this is why we did the whole thing in the first place – to be prepared and more responsive for these issues when they come up in the regular course of business in true emergencies.

I’ll update you on this process later this week, at the moment there is some memory foam waiting for me. I am a lot more confident about where we are going and what this maintenance cycle has prepared us for. However, just about everything hurts and I am dead tired. No pain, no routing…