Kicking Myself

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I seem to be doing a lot of that lately.

I still haven’t read Erick’s book but if you’d like a preview of it, get that podcast and the book. Kicking myself about that one because its picking up a lot of positive commentary but I’m having trouble finding that 25th hour in my day.

Truth is, aside from the magazines, I have not read a whole heck of a lot. I have been doing a tremendous amount of writing instead. I know, I know, I said I never would write a book but one thing that has been painfully obvious throughout the Shockey Monkey development has been the fact that most people don’t know how to run a helpdesk or even a support business for that matter. From program to program, the solutions really are pretty much the same, but where people get hung up a lot is the process of implementing and managing what happens with the organization after you’ve uploaded your logo to the helpdesk.

Funny thing.. the leadership. You see a problem coming up and you try to fix it. So I’m letting the cat out of the bag, along with SM 2.0 there will be a lot more reading and I’m not talking about the manual either. Expect it in February.