Shockey Monkey 2.0 Demo Week

Shockey Monkey
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In case you are not following the Shockey Monkey mailing list, this is the first demo week of Shockey Monkey 2.0. Travis is taking a 100 or so partners in small groups and showing off the feature set behind some of the core functionality. And while I will not push out Shockey Monkey 2.0 beta until Sunday, we are trying to get an idea of what raises question marks.

So let me be honest with you – I understand that you’d rather have it in your hands and provide feedback after you’ve had a chance to look around. It’s live up there, why can’t I have access to it, right? Truth of the matter is, because of the volume of people on Shockey Monkey, I have no idea where to start producing a relevant training video and which parts of the system are total common sense and which are just totally confusing! This is a hedging game of support, I am trying to find out what the top questions in my support portal will be on Monday so I can provide answers to them beforehand.

Call it pre-emptive technical support if you will 🙂

OT: It works. Thanks to those of you that have put up with the first day of demos, take it with a grain of salt. This is the first time we’re doing public demo of 2.0, this is the first time someone other than myself is explaining the product, this is the first time we’re using Adobe Acrobat Connect instead of Microsoft Livemeeting, this is the uncharted, undocumented territory and unlike the other stuff on the market that requires a University and a hack team and an advisor and a consultant and six other “gurus” to put the crap together, I will frankly feel like a failure as a programmer if it took you any more than a single 1 hour video to become a master of Shockey Monkey. So again, thank you for helping me fulfill my vision.