Really, it’s not my birthday..


This goes into the personal category but most people think it’s my birthday today. Gotta give it up to the social networks for making every bit of personal life exposed to the public so I’ll let you in on a little secret.

Back, in the long long ago, I used to help write control panels and portals. Believe me, I know the level of security that goes into those – it’s somewhere along these lines “Ok, so it wouldn’t compile, so I nuked the lines and procedures that were causing it to fail and it works!” – not good.

So I got into a habbit of lying on every single form I fill out online. Sadly, I’m a really bad liar and could never remember when I told people I was born – so I decided to zero it out. I told every form that asked that I was born on August 1, 1978 (gonna be 29). The month and the year are correct so its easy to remember, as is the 1st of the month so.. went along with it. I did the same with other things like phone number (-1111), social security (-1111) and really everything in the NT4 serial number style – just hold 1 down till the form pops.

4 Responses to Really, it’s not my birthday..

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