Palm Beach has an SBS Group!


Congratulations to Dave and James on their new baby, the Palm Beach IT SBS group. If you’re in Palm Beach area and work in IT, this is the place to hang out at. Not only because you can get the content you can’t see anywhere else, but even if you’re gainfully employed one day that situation may change… now where, oh where, can you ask if someone is hiring? 😉 Fellow geeks, we gotta network. It is not just for sales people and marketing weasels.

There were 9 (new) members in attendance. As the first meeting the discussion revolved around the direction this group would take in future meetings, and what has been put in place to get this group kicked off tonight. David O’Keefe has designed a website for the group and can be found at for upcoming information and to sign up to become a member of the group, David has also set up an account with google & yahoo to post messages/email to each other. You can find a link to join on the website

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