Gmail now logs Gtalk traffic, WOW!

Google, Web 2.0

Gdon't care, not really. I only know of one person that actually installed this program and believe me, I tried hard to find someone to play with me and see what Gtalk can do. At the time, not much, aside from a branded stripped down Jabber client it didn't have anything to offer. Google seems to keep on pushing forward with this, it has integrated Gtalk message history (conversations) into Gmail. Aside from being based on an open platform Gtalk really has nothing to offer, especially when you consider other clients that have it beat by a mile. Furthermore, nobody really uses the Gtalk software – everyone seems to be on Gtalkr. So why post this at all? Well, there are such high expectations for Google to provide a Google Cube, power the Google Internet, deliver Google Office, Google Linux… Yet they can't even write a decent IM client and get spanked at it by two Flash programmers. I hope this puts the rumored Google ambitions in some context, if it doesn't go check out Google Pack and it's merry bunch of freeware and you'll see what I mean.

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