Cheers Harryb


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The beauty of this business is that if you're serious about it (and realize it takes getting out of your cave to learn and network) you can meet some wonderful people and talk to them about things other than shop. Most of the time they are wildly different from what you'd imagine from reading their books, newsgroup posts, emails… crazy blog rants. Such is the case with Harry Brelsford, famous small business server evangelist, author, conference organizer….. and well, the best damn food magnet out there. I'm always stunned how easilly he can find a good place to eat at, no matter where he is. So a few years back Harry introduced me to Texas de Brazil in Orlando. It's just slightly ironic that I live on the same street as this restaurant but never even saw it. So I had a pretty crappy dozen or so days, we've been working on a company-wide migration: the second biggest one ever. Let's just say the last time we had this big of a jump in infrastructure change was when I moved from a single server in a colo. All in all it was a very pretty migration but days of sleep deprivation, stress, uncertainty ("documented uncertainty", with the downtime expectations and all) is enough to crack anyone. But Katie was awesome and she took me to Texas de Brazil and things are all good now. Really, really looking forward to Boston though.

About the 4th of July post.. The phones have been ringing off the hook here. I think I may have, in all my ranting, somehow implied that unless you do business with me you're somehow a leach. Far from it, I'm a reasonable person, I understand there are business cases or previous contracts where you just couldn't do business with OWN even if you wanted to. Not to mention if you really hated my guts and didn't want to in the first place. Both are perfectly fine. But don't call me, ask for help with your Exchange box and then tell me that you're going to keep on looking at other solutions. Don't email me for help with Postini and get an attutide when I tell you that I have no interest in helping you. While I am honored that so many of you gave us a call and wanted to do business with us, please, it is absolutely not what I was trying to say and you're more than welcome to enjoy everything I put out here for free without a second thought. If I expected to make money off of Vladville it would be plastered with ads and I would charge you for looking at advertising, like ZDnet does. Publishing is not my business, I just do high end geek stuff. 

So hope to see some of you up at WWPC. I'll be there Sunday – Friday, 

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