Since when am I the authority on this?

IT Culture
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The Vladville folder was full this morning with requests for comment regarding the restrictions on content for Blu-ray. NSFW (not safe for work), you’ve been warned.

Now this is going to surprise some but I’m on Sony’s side on this one. As a private citizen they are trying to make sure their work reflects their values and if those values lead to not supporting what they find objectionable… more power to them. I’d do the same and under similar circumstances I do the same: we do not host adult oriented material at OwnWebNow.

Will HD DVD win solely because they are defacto distribution medium for adult entertainment? Can you imagine going into Best Buy and asking the rep to recommend a high definition format for your needs? Will they take you to their Magnolia room and play a select piece for you, just so you could see the difference? “I see your point Bob; Although I can almost make out the sweat beads on her, the hair follicle detail is just too Vivid; Oh, the HD DVD supports 8 angles whereas Blu-ray only supports 3? I see. Hold on, let me call my wife. Dear, I’m at Best Buy. Yeah, on OBT. Can you please bring my collection, I’m having a hell of a time picking a new player.”

So will HD DVD beat off Sony? If so, it will be a hard thing for them to swallow, seeing how they got nailed with their beta format. Regardless of who ends up on top, we’re more likely to stream this kind of media through our Xbox over a home server. (note to self: accessories! buy Belkin stock today)

Just how much detail do we need? I’ll leave the answer to that question to my honorable friend from UK. As always, if you’ve been offended by this post please write to my PR agent, Susanne Dansey.

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