Partnership Appreciation

IT Business, Vladville
1 Comment

One of my partners (Central Florida Helpdesk) recently moved into a new big office and invited me for a tour. What’s nice about Judd is that he’s totally embraced the idea that you can keep the lights on through the reoccuring income that you don’t have to work for at all. Judd has been reselling our ExchangeDefender, Exchange Hosting, web hosting, etc and even had us help on a web migration project at some point. Most people I talk to lately are so blinded by the promise of managed services that they dismiss the power of getting a few bucks here and there to their bottom line that in many cases with my partners literally pays for the rent, bandwidth, phone fees or more. I should really sit down and write something at length about this stuff because every now and then I meet a JimmyJoe Everything that does everything in house to earn extra $2 a month but spends entire weekends managing his halfassed Plesk box on which support expired a year ago. Anyhow, on to the partner.

Now it’s awesome to meet people with the same kind of clasiness that I have. On the way in I stopped by a Publix to get them a housewarming gift. Traditionally this is modest gift for a new home (or in this case office) owner that lets them feel at home in their new home and community – anything from food, fine wine, house supplies, etc. Being the thoughtful guy I am and knowing that he’s got 5 men in his office… I figured I’d bring in something that would at least show the signs of life – half-bloomed purple Orchid. And in line with clasiness, I also got a 12 pack of Bud light. (25 miles away from Daytona, you’re not really allowed to drink anything else here).

They promised me a desk thanks to all the fine work I do for them. Below are the pictures of my “nook” and as you can tell it is strategically placed near the neccessities.

Pocketpc 006

As for the equipment, well, the 2’ work area included a certificate of excellence, a sign and a half broken laptop. They also know how full of it I am so I got an unusual amount of toilet paper as well. Double-ply Charmin… oooo yeah.

Pocketpc 008

Gotta love it!

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