Help: MinGW or Cygwin expertise needed for curl recompile


I rarely ask for help here but with all the deadlines converging this is one less project I can dedicate half a day for setup / build / test so I’m hoping someone out there has this in place and can take the 10 minutes out of their day to help me build a curl library that allows insecure mode by default. I need curl to pull data of a secured site without verifying that certificates authenticity.

I need to rebuild curl (for win32) with zlib/openssl support with one slight modification – I need the -k switch hardcoded which is quite easy, just edit src/main.c and change line #1548 from {”k”, “insecure”, FALSE}, to {”k”,”insecure”, TRUE},

Save, recompile and send me over curl.exe

So, anybody willing to help me out? You know where to find me..

P.S. For what it’s worth, I need it compiled with MinGW, I have the environment setup and can compile it fine (without SSL), so if anyone has any suggestions as to which packages need to be installed and how to make the configure aware of the existing OpenSSL libraries on the system.. I’m all ears. 

P.S.2. Never mind, got it done with Visual Studio. I had to recompile half the GNU project in the process but what would have taken 2 minutes in Linux has taken 3 hours on Windows. Will post instructions in the articles section this weekend.

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