Sunday Reprints & Corrections


It’s Sunday, so I figured it would be a good time to go over some reprints & corrections.

Why don’t you do more ______?
Because I am not your monkey and you’re not paying for this.

Will the Vladville Newsletter have the same stuff as the blog?
What would be the point of putting together a newsletter if its just the same stuff all over again? No, the newsletter will not just be a dump of the old blog posts but the review of the topics in a more thought thought through way along with the reactions the readers send in.

I have a blog, why don’t you link to me like you do Susan?
Unless I am directly responding to a blog post or have a link handy, I do not waste my time trying to get the exact URL for a trackback. This is not out of malice, but if I can’t remember your URL off the top of my head while I’m writing it’s not going to happen. If you want a link try thinking of a better address than

I love your blog (bs, bs, bs) Can I buy advertising here? I have a book opportunity, I have a lead, I have a ghost writer, I have a magazine column, I have a blog network, I want to buy your domains….

Why are you switching to a Mac?
I am not. I am just building one for support. I am not switching to a Mac.

Is it really true that more people are buying Mac’s than PC’s?
Far from it. Look at the Linux-is-coming post from last night, there is a lot of buzz but buzz often does not translate into reality. However, as Apple goes from 3% to 9% market share it is harder to dismiss offering support to the people foolish enough to buy one. I don’t have to respect them to take their money.

Is Vista really that bad?
No, it’s not. There has been a far bigger blowback from Office 2007 than there has been from Vista. In a few dozen cases people rolled back because of the trialware Office 2007 people put onto the PCs and folks became too frustrated with the new Office 2007 ribon interface that they demanded Vista be removed. When someone is pissed off they tend not to listen to reason. I have a love-hate relationship with my Outlook, I haven’t downgraded but I have moved to Outlook Web Access 2007.

What do you want for Christmas?
Anything from Despair, Inc. In particular the big framed lithographs, $109. In particular, Consistency, Consulting, Failure, Incompetence, Mediocrity, Potential, Meetings and of course, Dispair.  If you’re not into sending some blog guy a $100 gift, anything from Think Geek will work. Shirt size L.

What does NSFW mean?
It means “not safe for work” anotherwords, reading this will likely get you fired.

When is the new OWN Newsletter going to come out? When is the Vladville newsletter going to come out? When is the next Vladcast, VladFire, SBS Show, video…
Tomorrow, Eventually, Never..

Have a nice Sunday folks, get out there!

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