To the great white north….


Craig-Mountie Please kindly move the polar bear, igloo and Celine Dion aboot 19″ to the left, Own Web Now is now in Canada:

  1. $10 / Exchange 2007 + SharePoint 2007 with 10GB storage.
  2. $1 / GB for Offsite Backup storage powered by AhSay.
  3. Web hosting, name services, SQL, etc.

So for all those of you that were afraid of the Patriot Act and our evil government touching your Brian Adams collection…. fear no more. We are now in Montreal, Toronto and have firm plans to expand our contract for Vancouver.

This is now the third country with native OWN enterprise-grade offsite backups, fifth native Exchange deployment and addresses all but one globalization objective we’ve set for 2008. Keeping our pricing globally I think makes a pretty significant statement when it comes to our dedication to our partners and the reliability of our network.

When can you get it? Today! Helllllllllloooo Canada!

3 Responses to To the great white north….

  1. Pingback: OWN expands into Canada | Canadian IT Professional Peer Blog

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