Back to Back, to Cali Cali…

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We’ll be in California next week.

Through Sunday actually. If you’re in SoCal and work with us we’d love to meet up with you. We’re doing a lot of interesting road work with our partners this year.

We’re very happy to be supporting Erick Simpson’s MSP University bootcamps this year. I haven’t seen once since 2006 but have sent a bunch of people there, it would be interesting to be a part of the whole thing again. We are bringing a mountain of swag, tshirts, spare office furniture, etc. If you plan to attend, let me know. We always have some extra special swag hanging around.

As for the blog, I’ve gotten a number of pings – yes, I’m fine. Things are moving a little slower @OWN than I’d like, and we’re making more idiotic mistakes than I’d prefer, and we’re growing faster than I’ve expected, and I need a bigger office and a few more hours in a day. Seeing the wasteland of economic apocalypse, I am more than thankful to have these problems. But I’m in there, greasing the wheels, dipping monkeys into water head first and throwing in the space heater. It’s moving… This is when our competitors are slowing down, labor is cheap and people are cutting deals – if you can’t cut it now don’t even bother showing up.

It doesn’t leave much energy to put on the Vladville show each day. Good news tho, SPAM Show will still be recorded tomorrow.

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