Good Marketing

IT Business
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Most marketing is crap. Even the more visually appealing ones tends to be slimy, underhanded and at best misleading. Let’s assume for the sake of the argument that there isn’t much you can do about that because regardless of the copy and content, people will interpret it based on factors beyond your control.

I have totally resigned myself to the fact that marketing is a function of timing and relationships. If you get the right person at the right time, you could deliver virtually everything through it (Exibit A:

So the other day, the image below arrived in my email:


Translation: Happy birthday, thanks for the money.

With all the data points and integration we now have with people’s profiles and attitudes, why aren’t more organizations leveraging all these data points to deliver more personal marketing messages. Even though I’m sure the image above is sent to every single alum and wasn’t personalized in any way, the fact that it came here on my birthday improved my opinion of the organization.

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