Events, Podcast

Yeah, I'm still alive. I had a little two hour talk with fellow MVP Dana Epp and we ended up talking about something completely opposite of why he called me in the first place. Long story short, I've spent past four days working on learning how C# and mono integrate on Linux. Why, do Microsoft tools servers suck that bad? Not at all. The problem is application infrastructure sticker shock – and on the SQL side only. While I have no problem paying SQL Server fees for high traffic, high fault tollerance solution there are simply sites that do not need massive scalability or business intelligence or stored procedures – but they need to be up – always. Microsoft does not differentiate on size or feature set, one size fits all. So if you want to have a cluster with a 20 meg database you'll be paying the same as the big boys. Maybe they'll recognize that soon, it surely put IBM and Oracle into obsolescence for lower-end db driven sites. I also took some time off to gather some energy for the SBS Show. We're on verge of launching #20 and our audience is so huge that there is more pressure to put on not just informative but entertaining shows. Mark Stanfill has been blogging like a mad man over at SBS PSS lately and they have two webcasts with TS2. They are brave enough to put up a live webcast and answer questions on the fly 🙂 Call em up and ask for a concise solution to ActiveSync Error: 05010014. I recently had a shaming with them over this error, will blog about it soon. On the TS2 front there is a new Community Server. They even have a live blogroll aggregator to which they have added the SBS Show! Thanks Fred! Now if we could only get JJ to blog more 🙂 Tonight: If you've got a $100 and want to improve your IT business please check out my presentation to Washington DC SBS group, live at 7PM EST. The presentation is free but I'm going to show you how to blow $100 on eliminating some of the points that make SMB IT shops suck.

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