Why is Vlad not doing enough for the community?

IT Culture

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Yes, I do get these messages every other day. Dude, where is my SBS Show. Dude, where is my whitepaper. Dude, your guide didn’t fix the problem, could you walk me through it? Uh, no.

Such is the saga lately of the 7 days of SBS R2. I’ve received perhaps over 100 requests for this thread, including one on a Microsoft webcast. I made it to day one and then on day two I went to see JJ and the TS2 event and well, he did a much better job than I did. So no sense in writing the other 6 days if you can go see a TS2 event and see it live with a demo and screenshots and a bunch of other stuff Microsoft won’t let me say or show. So check out the slide deck for TS2 and go see them live.

I also don’t feel right promoting the notion of SBS R2 since we as a corporation decided against further testing, support and eventual rollout of SBS R2. I don’t feel right recommending the product that we don’t intend to use ourselves.

They teached me how to reed good at the Masters of Engrish at University of Rolling Tide, Drown ‘em Tide

Chris again fights the notion that people in the South can’t read. Numbers that is. He reviews this free 500 page book on fundamentals of TCP/IP which by the way is a free download at Microsoft.com. Yup, free. Did I mention it’s free? No, it can’t fix the table but it can help you understand how your network functions. Chris breaks down the guide into essential, helpful, ipv6 and skip because we all know stupid people fear big numbers so at least he’s helping you go right to whats important and what you need to know. 

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